Your Ultimate Freedom
Your Ultimate Freedom
Deliverance is the process of being set free from strongholds and curses off your life. Deliverance is not a quick fix. It is a daily sanctification process where you allow yourself to be transformed by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Just as the healing ministry of JESUS is for us today, His deliverance ministry is also. It is part of the great commission.
And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name, they will cast out demons.Mark 16:17
When we come to salvation, we come with a lot of baggage from our past. Our sins are forgiven, however, there may be open doors that Satan uses to bring an accusation against us before our Heavenly FATHER. By closing these doors oppression can be lifted and we can walk in the freedom and blessings GOD has for our lives.
As a believer, you cannot be demon-possessed. Satan does not own you, you belong to JESUS. But Christians can be attacked mentally, emotionally, and physically because of curses or open doors from sin in their lives or from their generational lines. Sin opens the door for your body, mind, and soul to come under demonic influence.
Demons can be cast out of anyone; however, it is not wise to minister to a non-believer unless HOLY SPIRIT prompts you to do so. If you cast out a demon from an individual and he/she does not seek after JESUS, the demons will come back, and the person can end up in a worse state of torment.
Strongholds are areas of your life in which you consistently battle with and have difficulty living in victory. They can control your thoughts, your emotions, and/or your behavior.
A generational curse is a curse that is passed down from one generation to another because of sin. Exodus 20:5 states that GOD will visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation. Fortunately generational curses can be broken when we confess our sins and choose to walk in obedience to GOD's instructions.
A familiar spirit is an evil spirit usually invoked through a median. When a person communicates with an evil spirit, they have opened a door to align themselves with a familiar spirit. When you talk to your deceased relative you may think you are speaking to that individual's spirit. However, you are exposing yourself to the spiritual realm and may align yourself with an evil spirit.
A blood covenant is a binding contract between two individuals. The covenant is made when the blood of individuals are exchanged. A blood covenant is very powerful and can keep you in bondage. Sexual relationships are one way that blood covenants can be established. Fortunately the Blood of YESHUA has the power to break every blood covenant that keeps you bound.
A soul tie is a spiritual connection between individuals. Soul ties can be very destructive especially when formed through unholy sexual relationships. Any unhealthy relationship has the potential to become a soul tie.
Help is available. If you need guidance in your deliverance process and spiritual walk with the LORD, we are here for you.
Prepare yourself with prayer and fasting before your session of deliverance. As you pray, ask HOLY SPIRIT to reveal every open door in your life that brings torment to your life. Take notes of everything that is revealed so you don't forget any vital information.